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4/12/2012 7:18 AM

I'm looking at using other payment processors because I need to process payments greater than 10,000 and paypal won't allow me to do that. I called transfirst because it's listed in your dropdown of providers. They seemed to have no knowledge of you and so I'm wondering how you guys tested the setup of this gateway? The lady I spoke with at transfirst said she was going to have her support team contact you guys to see if the processing will work. I gave her an email of someone I have there (I won't post it here for the world to see), if you wan't to know who email me and I'll let you know. I just don't want to purcahse this gateway only to have you software not work with it. Can you provide any help?

New Post
4/12/2012 1:56 PM


Yes, Smith Reg Pro support the TransFirst payment gateway. To acquire a test account, you will need to contact the TransFirst Integrations Group. Their contact info. can be found at the top of Pg.9 in their Integration Guide found here: http://www.merchantanywhere.com/ecsho...

We also have a 30 Trial version of Reg Pro available from the following link so you can confirm correct behavior: http://www.smith-consulting.com/Forum...

Please let us know if you have any other questions.


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