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New Post
4/3/2012 3:19 PM


I am a relative newbie to SmithCart but I want to jump in a the deep end however I dont know where to start.


I sell Software as a Service e.g Office365 or Google Apps - The products have no stock, and are all sold on a regular monthly or annual basis

So as an example

Google apps sells for 3.95 per month or 39.50 per year.

Should I set up individual products or use the product Variant or Product Matrix.

I also need to understand that the billing will repeat for the chosen product for the chosen period.

Can someone give me pointers to get me going.

New Post
4/3/2012 5:45 PM

Which version of the Cart and DNN are you currently running?

Which Payment Gateway do you plan on using?

Currently you cannot configure recurring billing at the Variant level so I would recommend setting up individual Products for each one of your services you are offering your customers.

Hope this helps!
HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...Enhancement Req...Enhancement Req...Selling Software as a ServiceSelling Software as a Service