HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...Enhancement Req...Enhancement Req...Creating a direct link to "view cart"Creating a direct link to "view cart"
New Post
8/30/2012 11:46 AM
Hello again my Smith Cart friends,

I was curious if there was any way to make a direct link to view the current cart. I know that by adding the "mini cart" module to a page, a button to view cart is displayed, however the button just executes some javascript like: javascript:(do postback), and not any form of html link.

If javascript is required to pull up a persons current cart, as there is no physical "cart" page, would I be able to add this to a link, so as to have a "view cart" button that is not tied into a minicart module?

New Post
8/30/2012 3:35 PM
You could use the mini cart module as you suggested. Or if you want to create your own custom button to link to the cart page then go to your cart page and cut and paste the url, then add that url to the href of the button you want to link to the cart. The cart will automatically display the contents of the cart for the user.

Scott Kelly
Project Manager
DotNetNuke Consulting, DotNetNuke Store and DNN Ecommerce
New Post
8/31/2012 11:56 AM
Excellent, can the same technique be applied to the wishlist page?
New Post
9/4/2012 11:55 PM
Hi Alex,

If you are referring to using a link instead of the Wishlist button to add a product to the wishlist, this ability isn't currently supported but we are available to develop this ability. I will add your request to our Enhancement Requests forum. If you have budget in your project to sponsor a portion of the development to prioritize a feature request to the top of the list please do one of the following:

Submit a quote request here http://www.smith-consulting.com/servi...
Email sales@smith-consulting.com

We quote all features enhancements below cost since it is enhancing the module and in most cases we can start work on the new feature within a week.

New Post
9/5/2012 7:39 AM
Hey Kevin,

I was referring to the ability to have a custom link that, when clicked, would take a user to a list of their saved carts. A "View Saved Carts" button that can exist anywhere independent of smith modules.

I used the same technique for creating a custom "My Wishlists" button, and both are working great! For anyone who is interested, you can see these in action at

Thanks again Kevin!
HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...Enhancement Req...Enhancement Req...Creating a direct link to "view cart"Creating a direct link to "view cart"