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11/6/2013 6:23 PM
I have a product defined as a user entered amount and a gift certificate product. I set the unit cost to $25 when I defined the product thinking the user could override that amount when checking out. However, when I enter in an amount say $50 the amount shows up in the cart fine but in the edit order admin screen the order line item for Unit Cost shows up as $25 not $50 same with the emails the  order total is ok but the line item detail for item cost says $25 not $50.

I can't win with this gift card feature :(  Because the gift card process doesn't work, I created a pdf report function that generates gift certificates from the smith_giftcard table. However, the value stored in the gift card table is the unit cost which is $25 not the user entered amount of $50. why why  why .....

I have committed to roll-out gift certificates for a client and at every turn there's an issue. This being the latest...

What am I doing wrong?  Running dnn 7.0.1 and latest version of cart.
New Post
11/8/2013 5:03 PM

Unfortunately, the user entered amounts feature was not designed to be used with the Gift Certificate feature. However, our programming department is available to customize this feature enhancement for you.

If you would like to sponsor this feature enhancement please submit a quote at the following link.


Please let me know if you have any further questions or concerns. Thank you!

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