HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartAllow no tax if given a tax exempt numberAllow no tax if given a tax exempt number
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10/23/2013 8:19 PM
My client sells items that are normally taxed if purchased in the home state but can be purchased tax exempt if the buyer has a tax exemption number. Is there any way in Smith Cart to enable this type of operation? The only thing I see that is similar is Tax Exempt by Role but it seems like I'd have to somehow get the buyer into a Tax exempt DNN Role and I'm not clear how to do that.

Any insight on this? Thanks,

New Post
10/25/2013 2:11 PM
Hi Tom,

Currently the only features that SmithCart supports in regards to Tax exemption, is by role and by product. One option would be to configure the Tax exempt by role feature. Then you could create a new role called something like "Tax Exempt Customers" and add the Tax Exempt customer to the role manually in DNN.

Another option would be to create a coupon for the amount of the tax and add it to the order after it has been submitted.

In addition, If you would like a feature to be enhanced to support the exact functionality you are seeking our programming department is available to make the customization. If you are interested please submit a quote at the following link:


Hope this helps! Please let me know if you have anymore questions. Thanks!
HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartAllow no tax if given a tax exempt numberAllow no tax if given a tax exempt number