HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...Payment Registr...Payment Registr...Styling the Product GridStyling the Product Grid
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8/24/2012 3:41 PM
Hello all -- Love this product.

We only have 3 subscription levels of our product -- i've entered them in as 3 products. I'm also using the "Multiple Product Layout" display option, which gives me the 3 boxes (why is the first one larger than the other 2?) with the Product Name, Price and Select button.

Question: How to I style that page? What is the name of the .ascx/css files that i need to edit????

New Post
8/29/2012 1:39 PM
Hi Robert,

The aascx/css files that i need to edit to modify the page which displays your products is the Step1.ascx and module.css files located in DesktopModules > SmithRegistration folder. Be sure to make a backup of the files before modifying them in case you need to rollback and if you make changes to the these files and improved the html/css please send your changes to support@smith-consulting.com and will review and add to the main build so you get those changes if you do any upgrades in the future.

HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...Payment Registr...Payment Registr...Styling the Product GridStyling the Product Grid