HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...Enhancement Req...Enhancement Req...BuyNow PaginationBuyNow Pagination
New Post
9/27/2011 2:12 PM

I am having a problem with the “BuyNow” module.  I am in the setup process and only have 3 items loaded.  When I go to the page with the module I see that the bottom of the module it has what appears to be a pagination navigation directly under the “View Cart” button.  It has First Prev 1-3 of 3 Next Last

While I understand that this is the number of items, the casual visitor will not.  Is there any option to make this represent pages, short of editing the ascx?

DNN ver 05.06.02

Smith Cart ver 3.88

SQL 2005

New Post
9/27/2011 8:26 PM


Pagination control has been programmed to display the number of products, displaying the number of pages instead is not currently supported. Are you going to have multiple pages of products? If not, you would be able to hide the pagination control be either setting its visible property to false or by commenting. We are also available to make the change to have it display the number of pages. If you would like to be provided with a quote to make this change please email sales@smith-consulting.com with a link to this forum post.


New Post
9/30/2011 4:41 PM
Yes, we will have several pages of products. I would think most ecommerce sites would. This is a major drawback. This product seems to have a lot of good forward thinking and solid logic. So this is a surprise. I will hunt for a work around. Is this something you are going to do in a near future release?
New Post
9/30/2011 9:11 PM

Hi David,

The Pagination control has been programmed to display the number of products per page, not displaying the total number of pages. We currently do not have any changes to the pagination control on the Dev Roadmap. If you would like to make an Enhancement Request, please post to our Enhancment Requests forum here: http://www.smith-consulting.com/Forum...

We prioritize programming on our modules in the following order:

  • Bug Fixes
  • Sponsored or paid change requests
  • Enhancements with the most requests


New Post
10/4/2011 11:35 AM

Kevin, your web site: http://www.smith-consulting.com/Produ...

Under the products section says: Paged browsing for products keeps page size small and optimizes user experience.

This sounds like what I am trying to do.  So how can I accomplish this with the Smith Cart product?

New Post
10/4/2011 8:15 PM
Hi David,

What the web page is referring to is the ability to control the number of products displayed on the Product Listing page if you have multiple products. This can be done using the Record Dropdown Values feature located in the Cart Settings. Enter a comma seperated list of the number of products to be displayed in the records dropdown on the product listing page.

New Post
10/6/2011 3:59 AM
I sort of agree with David on this. If it doesn't have to show pagination, the programming logic should be smart enough to not show it.
New Post
10/6/2011 6:23 PM

Hi Steve,

I think your suggestion, of the pagination control hiding automatically when the amount of products being displayed doesn't span multiple pages, would be a great enhancement to add your post to the Enhancement Requests forum.

We prioritize programming on our modules in the following order:
Bug Fixes
Sponsored or paid change requests
Enhancements with the most requests

If you would like to prioritize a feature request to the top of the list do one of the following:
Submit a quote request here http://www.smith-consulting.com/servi...
Email sales@smith-consulting.com

If you would like to team-up with another user, or your company has budget to sponsor a feature let us know, in most cases we can start work on the new feature within a week.


HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...Enhancement Req...Enhancement Req...BuyNow PaginationBuyNow Pagination