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10/23/2012 8:36 AM
Hello again my Smith Cart friends,

Hopefully I can explain the situation clearly. Currently - a Smith.BuyNow module must be placed on a DNN page for use. An example would be:

Within that buy now module are several categories, all with unique category descriptions and URL keywords. An example would be:

Now obviously, each category is different, and we would want those unique category pages to have unique title and description tags for google. Currently, as far as I know, Smith does not support this function, and the title and description tags for all child category pages are pulled from the parent page of:

However, the ability to add H1 and H2 tags in the category description and URL keywords is a big step in the right direction. The problem I am running into is that even though these pages have unique H1 tags and URL keywords, they are still pulling the title and description tags from the parent page. My google analytics confirms this, as all category pages are coming up as "Duplicate Title" pages under site optimization.

The thought crossed my mind to completely remove the title and description tags from the parent pages. This way none of the generated category pages will have a title or description tag, enabling google to generate it's own snippit on the page, hopefully, from my H1 and H2 tags in the category description.

Would anyone recommend this method? Is there a better way to do this? Would anyone not recommend this method?

Thanks - Alex
New Post
10/25/2012 2:03 PM
Hi Alex,

For Categories, the URL Keywords field can be used to dynamically add keywords in the URL of the Product Listing page but currently to the ability to assign title and description tags to your Categories is not currently supported. I will add this new feature to our Enhancement Requests forum as well as our the Smith Cart dev roadmap. If you need this change completed right away and would like to sponsor a portion of the development please submit your quote request here: https://www.smith-consulting.com/Serv...

New Post
10/26/2012 3:05 PM
I've found a temporary solution, until Smith can add this functionality.

In my buynow page skin I added the following line of code:

document.title = document.getElementsByClassName("Category-H1")[0].innerHTML;

This line pulls the title tag from my h1 element with the class of "Category-H1" that I specified in the category description. This will have to tide us over!
New Post
2/6/2013 7:20 PM
The given example is clear and easy to know about the smith cart module.
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