HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...Enhancement Req...Enhancement Req...Coupon Code Enhancement Coupon Code Enhancement
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7/25/2012 11:54 AM
I have a enhancement request to the coupon code feature set. 

We have a partner that wants to offer their customers a coupon which gives them one discount for orders when they buy 1-10 items and another for orders over 10.

I can see this implemented one of 2 ways.
        1. Enhance the coupon code logic to allow different discount amounts to be specified based on the quantity ordered.
        2. Enhance the coupon code logic to specify a minimum order amount before the coupon will be applied.


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8/7/2012 3:04 PM
I just wanted to follow up and say that I did find a work around. You can combine a coupon amount with a Quantity Discount.

This isn't exactly the same as the quantity discount will be in place for all orders not just when a coupon is used but it does provide the correct functionality that I'm looking for.

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