HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartSolution for a Kitchen Checkout ProcessSolution for a Kitchen Checkout Process
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6/22/2011 5:37 PM

Hi Everyone,

My Client has a website that allows customers to buy kitchen packages.

What my client has proposed is the following process to buy a kitchen package.

The Customer will choose a colour for the kitchen
The Customer will choose a style of handle to use for the kitchen
The Customer will then add all the cabinets that he/she will require for the kitchen.

Now, all the cabinets will have different sizes (size of the panels in square meters) and therefore, will influence the cost of the paint job on the kitchen. Paint cost is calculated in square meters.
The amount of handels needed for the kitchen will be proportional to the amount of cabinets selected.

So in theroy, from this data, the total cost of thel kitchen can be calculated.

Does anyone have an idea on how I can implement this process with the SmithCart.

I have a fair idea on how i can implenet a similar process with product variants, but this takes away the ability to have individual photos for each colour/handle.

All feedback will be much appreciated.

Kind Regards,


New Post
6/22/2011 5:49 PM
The version of the smith cart is 3.99
New Post
6/29/2011 12:39 AM

Hi Julius,

Sounds to me like your going to need to use the variant/conditional variant feature. The colors would be the primary variants, the handle style would be conditional variants of the colors, then the cabinets would be conditional variants of the handle styles using the "Price Adjustment' feature to factor in the prices determined for each cabinet size according to the square meters.

Since the amount of handles needed are proportional to the number of cabinets selected you may want the customer to choose the cabinets first, then pick their handle style which will use the same quantity of the cabinets, then choose their color selection.

Hope this was helpful.


HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartSolution for a Kitchen Checkout ProcessSolution for a Kitchen Checkout Process