HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartCustomer got free shipping - can reproduceCustomer got free shipping - can reproduce
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5/5/2011 2:49 PM


A customer was not charged shipping on a product (cart 4.28). I could not figure out how. We have custom shipping setup with 3 preset shipping amounts. Then I figured out how the customer was able to do it, whether it was inadvertent or not.

If you setup a cart session, when you checkout and the shipping is displayed, simply go to your browser (such as Firefox which does not require restart), and turn off Javascript. Bingo, shipping is not enforced and you can checkout without shipping! In Firefox, you can disable/enable Javascript on the fly.

Now, I cannot be certain that the customer deliberately tried to get $6.95 savings, but this means that Javascript is part of the validation of shipping, which means if there is a javascript error in a users browser, they can still proceed to pay without shipping.

I am bringing this up because although not super urgent, you can get around required shipping. There should maybe be another check that does not allow 0 shipping on packaged items. One that checks without javascript when a user presses the button to go to the next step after shipping selection.

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5/6/2011 1:06 PM

Hi Steve,

I'm trying to reproduce what you are describing but I have not been able to. Which version of the Cart are you running? And which version of Firefox are you using?
When you say that shipping is not enforced, which shipping methods are selected in your Cart Settings? And at what point do you disable the Jvascript?

Or if you would like to use our test portal you can email me at kevin@smith-consulting.com for the Login credentials.


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5/6/2011 2:27 PM
I had a similar issue, but the free shipping was given as a result of a coupon not being set up correctly. By default coupons seem to provide free shipping. Maybe this could be your issue as well?
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5/7/2011 5:59 AM

Our 4.28 cart is setup to simply use Custom Ship Methods with Fixed Amounts and Combine Shipping and Handling. There are 3 different options the customer can choose from in our cart.

Here are the steps to reproduce:

1. In your marketplace, add something that requires shipping (I was already logged in).
2. Press the View Cart button.
3. When viewing the cart, DO NOT select any shipping, and go do your browser menu and disable Javascript.
4. Press Checkout! You can now checkout without shipping being added!

Your www7 cart needs the license refreshed so I cannot test there.

My guess is that since shipping validation requires Javascript, if you are able to get to the checkout stage with Javascript disabled, you can get by without shipping. Of course parts of your site will not work without Javascript, but the above does show how disabling Javascript, of if there was a Javascript error, the customer could get free shipping.

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5/9/2011 12:59 PM
That's interesting to know... what about if you have javascript disabled to begin with?

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5/10/2011 2:43 PM
Hi Greg,

Well, if Javascript is disabled on our site, the menus do not appear. So it would be hard to find the marketplace. But, we did have one odd sale come in with 0 shipping, to a standard address, so I went in to figure out why. So my guess is that for whatever reason Javascript failed or was turned off on that one page, and the customer could purchase without shipping. He may have bookmarked the product page, thus getting access to the cart without javascript.
HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartCustomer got free shipping - can reproduceCustomer got free shipping - can reproduce