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5/4/2011 10:58 AM
I may be missing something, but in an earlier version, I set up the cart so that the first page you saw was an overview of categories with icons, names and description. I can't seem to figure out how to do that in version 4.28. I can place the Category List, or turn on the forced list option, but can't get a nice icon/name grid.

Any help here would be appreciated,
New Post
5/4/2011 3:38 PM
Hi Jeremy,

No your not missing anything. The way to do what you are asking is to create a new page, drop the html Module onto the new page, select edit content and upload your images using the Rich Text Editor and add the hyper-link the corresponding category and filter the product listing by passing the category Id in the querystring. Directions are in the following link: http://www.smith-consulting.com/Forums/forumid/13/threadid/3577/scope/posts.aspx

Thanks, Kevin
New Post
5/5/2011 9:06 AM
The more I thought about it, I believe it was a different store module that had automated graphic category listings. It was a nice feature, but if this store doesn't have it, then I will just have to work around that.

This store has more features than any other I have used, but sometimes there is just something it doesn't have.

New Post
5/5/2011 11:35 AM
Hi Jeremy,

The html Module will do exactly what your asking. Here is an example of how one of our partners designed thiers. http://www.qsnuts.com/Shop.aspx

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