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4/26/2011 6:37 PM

Hi Guys,

Is there any code that needs to be commented out or in to use zoom effect I am using smith cart 4.28. I have loaded all associated files.


Kind regards,


New Post
4/26/2011 10:16 PM
Hi Buck,

When you purchase Smith Cart or download the trial version look in the zip package downloaded for “zoom-files.zip” and follow the instructions listed below to setup the Zoom javascript and css support files:
1. Extract zoom-files.zip to a new folder on your PC or Server.
2. Copy the jqzoom.css to your \CSS folder off the root of your server DNN install.
3. Copy the \JS files extracted to your \JS folder off the root of your server DNN install.
4. Copy the zoomloader.gif in the \Images folder extracted to your \Images folder off the root of your server DNN install.
5. Open up the productdetails.ascx page located in the \desktopmodules\smithproductdetails folder and uncomment the zoom script section at the top of the page.

Please Note: You should already have a \JS folder so just copy the .js files to your existing \JS folder. You may not have a CSS folder so copy the CSS folder as is with the lightbox.css file in it.

You only need to copy the zoom support files if you want to enable the zoom feature on the product details page.

New Post
4/26/2011 11:11 PM

Hi Kevin,

Thanks I have done all that and am still having problems with uncommenting the script as every thing I try I the same result are you able to send me your edited version for 4.28 so I can compare and makesure I am doing it right. admin@prwebandprint.com it would be realy appriciated. This is what it looks like now http://www.bellyflop.com.au/ShopOnline/Products/tabid/64/ProductID/1/Default.aspx the zoom function works but not correctly there are 4 images I have also uploaded.


Kind regards,


New Post
4/27/2011 12:25 AM

At the top of productdetails.asx the following are the two sections that you need to uncomment.  I have uncommented the sections so you should be able to cut and paste the zoom scripts below:

<%--Zoom Live Server--%>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/css/jqzoom.css" />
<script type='text/javascript' src='/js/jquery-1.3.2.min.js'></script>
<script src="/js/jqzoom.pack.1.0.1.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

<%--Zoom Uncomment this section if you want to enable zoom--%>
<script type="text/javascript">

    var jqzoomOptions = {
        zoomWidth: 300,
        zoomHeight: 300,
        title: false
    jQuery(function() {

    function SwapImage1() {

        var setImage1 = document.getElementById("<%=hdPic1.ClientID%>").value;
        document.getElementById("<%=Image1.ClientID%>").src = setImage1;

        var setZoomImage1 = document.getElementById("<%=hdZoomPic1.ClientID%>").value;
        document.getElementById("<%=myMainImage.ClientID%>").href = setZoomImage1;


        return false;


At your service,
Dave Smith
DotNetNuke Consulting, DotNetNuke Store and DNN Ecommerce
New Post
4/27/2011 1:35 AM

Thanks Kevin,

Finally worked it out that I needed images in the photo upload (light box) as well as the Zoom.

I realy appriciated your help.


Kind regards,


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