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4/26/2010 1:13 PM

I'm having 2 issues with PayPal integration:

1) Merchant Logo URL. I have this set to correctly (have tested the link), but the logo is not being displayed on the PayPal payment screen. Is there a setting in the PayPal account that can cause this behavior? Also, I'm using https in the URL.

2) Success Redirect to URL. I have this set correctly (have tested the link), but once the Payment is submitted in PayPal and you click return to Merchant, I am returned to the Confirm step of the cart. Is there a setting in the PayPal account that can cause this behavior?


New Post
4/26/2010 9:03 PM

1) Can you post the link to your logo image so i can test that is accessible via https

2) Regarding successful redirect back from paypal to the cart did you see this forum post https://www.smith-consulting.com/foru...

At your service,
Dave Smith
DotNetNuke Consulting, DotNetNuke Store and DNN Ecommerce
HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartPayPal IssuesPayPal Issues