HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCart4.24 upgrade broke "Custom Ship Methods"4.24 upgrade broke "Custom Ship Methods"
New Post
3/23/2011 1:04 PM

I installed 4.24 in my sandbox, after having refreshed it completely so it was a mirror of my live site.


My "Custom Ship Methods" have disappeared.  They still exist in the table, but they are not being populated.  This looks like it may be a binding issue, or something got changed in the shipping.


I am using "Shipping by Quantity Ordered".


New Post
3/23/2011 1:06 PM
Never mind. Prior to 4.24, the PortalID field in the ship methods table wasn't populated. I set the portal ID accordingly, and it all came back.

Just a note to those upgrading though... you may need to set your portalID.

HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCart4.24 upgrade broke "Custom Ship Methods"4.24 upgrade broke "Custom Ship Methods"