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3/11/2011 6:53 AM

I have been working on another project (DNN Module) that allows people to make payments against their open MAS Invoices.

It's working well so far, and looking nice. But aside from that....

I'm offering payment for Credit Cards and EFT's. Since people, in general, seem to not know their routing number from their account number, I included a little routine that not only checks for the length of the routing number, but cross-references the routing number and auto-fills their bank name, bank city and state onto the form when they finish entering their number.

I think this would be a nice feature for the cart; and I'd be glad to share how I did it if you guys are interested. It's a single table with a half-dozen fields in it, and about 22,000 records which covers every bank in the U.S.

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