HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartHas Smith Cart an API for adding dynamic electronic goods?Has Smith Cart an API for adding dynamic electronic goods?
New Post
12/19/2010 10:55 AM


Please could you tell me, if Smith Cart has an API for adding dynmaic electronic goods to the shopping cart?

There are following tow situation:

- A customer can buy electronic goods (e.g. PDF files) stored in the smit cart webshop (the standard way)

- A customer can arrange there own PDF Files on a seperate page (developed by me).

Now I want to add the customized PDF File with an API to your shopping cart.

The price is calculated depending on the PDF size.

Is this possible?

Many thanks for your help

Best regards


New Post
12/19/2010 1:39 PM

The cart doesnt have the ability to call a web service that changes the price of an item but the cart has the following 3 built in options for calling an external process/web service that may work for you:

1. Enable OnCheckout Complete Event – Allows you to call a custom SQL Server stored procedure that you program. The event that triggers the stored procedure being executed is a successful checkout in the cart. Please see the following forum post for more info:


2. Custom Web Service gateway option - allows you to plug-in any gateway provider you desire. The custom web service gateway option performs an https post operation to the url you enter in the “URL” field in the BuyNow module settings. It is a standard https post “Request – Response” with hidden name value pairs (NVP). For more info regarding parameters passed back and forth please refer to page 37 of the cart user manual http://www.smith-consulting.com/Porta...

3. "On Checkout Complete" event enables calling custom web service (Scheduled to be released in cart v3.97 on 12/20/10) - In the buynow module settings there is a setting titled “On check complete” where you enter the web service url. On successful order the cart will do an http post with name value pairs (NVP) in the querystring with the following fields:

  • OrderID
  • OrderDetailID - Comma separated list of order detail ids

The custom web service will accept 3 parameters back in the response:

  • OrderID
  • OrderDetailID - Comma separated list of order detail ids
  • WebServiceReturnField - Comma separated list of any data you want to return. The “WebServiceReturnField” is a new field created in the Store Order Details table and is viewable in the "My Orders" module – order detail section.

The order is saved to the database before the web service call and the confirmation email is sent after the web service call returns. The purpose for this is to allow the external web service that is called to query the order id in the Smith Cart database to get the order info. The customer will get the order confirmation email with the fields the web service sends back. A new email token called [WebServiceReturnField] was created to allow for the data returned from the web service to be inserted to the order confirmation email.

You also may want to take a look at our Gatekeeper download manager it has alot of features for merchants selling electronic products and pdfs:


At your service,
Dave Smith
DotNetNuke Consulting, DotNetNuke Store and DNN Ecommerce
HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartHas Smith Cart an API for adding dynamic electronic goods?Has Smith Cart an API for adding dynamic electronic goods?