HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartAdd search on a page without adding the "buy now" module or its featuresAdd search on a page without adding the "buy now" module or its features
New Post
11/22/2010 8:29 PM
I have added the "buy now" module on a STORE page that I created. This allows me to search for products on the STORE page. But I don't want to put the "buy now" module on the home page, but I want the search functionality to be available in the home page so that users can search for products on the home page. Is there anyway how that can be achieved? That is, have the smith shopping cart search on the HOME page without adding the "Buy Now" module (or the other features that come with the "buy now" module) on the HOME page? Thank you in advance. Looking forward to your reply.
New Post
11/23/2010 12:29 PM

Currently that is not possible in order to accomplish what we are looking for we would need to create a new search module for the cart that can be placed on any page/pane in your portal. If you would like a quote to add this feature please send an email to sales@smith-consulting.com.


Scott Kelly
Project Manager
DotNetNuke Consulting, DotNetNuke Store and DNN Ecommerce
HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartAdd search on a page without adding the "buy now" module or its featuresAdd search on a page without adding the "buy now" module or its features