HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartCart admin when PayPal does not return automatically (if user does not log into paypal)Cart admin when PayPal does not return automatically (if user does not log into paypal)
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8/17/2010 4:36 PM

I'm using Smith-cart V3.02. Mostly PayPal standard works and returns to the correct payment confirmed page.

However, there is one situation where it does not...

1. Buyer selects PayPal from checkout.
2. Buyer pays PayPal with credit card and does not log in to PayPal.
3. When the buyer hasn't logged in to PayPal, PayPal does not automatically re-direct the buyer to our site. PayPal only offers a tiny link.
4. The buyer does not see the link, and either moves on, or manually returns to our site via some other way (google or entering the url).
5. Payment is received, however our Smith-Cart is not notified, so we don't get an email from the cart, and the pay status is false.

Is there any way around this? It is a PayPal issue for not returning automatically; but let me know if anyone has a work-around.

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8/18/2010 10:00 PM

The cart receives the payment success or decline message from paypal in the querystring returned from paypal. We would have to implement the paypal instant payment notification (IPN) to receive payment status back in the senario you described. IPN is on the dev list but not yet prioritized into programming yet.

At your service,
Dave Smith
DotNetNuke Consulting, DotNetNuke Store and DNN Ecommerce
HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartCart admin when PayPal does not return automatically (if user does not log into paypal)Cart admin when PayPal does not return automatically (if user does not log into paypal)