HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartRequired Field Not Working on Conditional VariantRequired Field Not Working on Conditional Variant
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4/3/2014 9:34 AM
We have a product setup at: https://www.mainevent.com/events/summer-camps/registration/productid/33

With multiple conditional variants for product options.  However we noticed today a customer was able to checkbox the master field "Session 1 Options" without choosing a child variant, filled out Name, Age and Gender and was able to proceed to adding this to their cart, which ultimately adds a $0.00 item to the cart since the child variants dictate the price.

Screen shots are attached, and I do not know why the required fields for conditional variants are not working on this or any of our products.

Need help immediately.


DNN Version: 07.00.05 (130)
Smith Cart: 5.68.0
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4/3/2014 2:14 PM
Hi Mike,

The ability to require multiple Variants with a Display Type of Checkbox or RadioButton in the same Variant Group is not currently supported since the required option is set at the Variant level, not the Variant Group level; however, it is in our developers queue of things to look into.

An alternative solution would be to use the Dropdown Display Type.

To require multiple checkboxes in the same group we would need to add a "Required" feature at the Variant Group level.

If you have budget in your project and would like a fixed quote to add this feature enhancement into our programming queue, please do one of the following:
  1. Post to the Enhancement Requests forum: http://www.smith-consulting.com/Forum...
  2. Submit a quote request: http://www.smith-consulting.com/servi...
  3. Send an email to our Sales Dept: sales@smith-consulting.com
Hope this helps!
HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartRequired Field Not Working on Conditional VariantRequired Field Not Working on Conditional Variant