HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartCart Using Incorrect Variant Weights in Shipping CalculationCart Using Incorrect Variant Weights in Shipping Calculation
New Post
11/19/2013 7:11 PM
Using Cart version 5.57 on DNN 7.0

After lots of testing, it seems that when we add a product variant to the cart the correct weight for that variant is used in the shipping calculation. But if we then add another product to the cart, the weight of the first item changes back to the base weight for the product - not the variant weight. Thus the shipping calculation is then incorrect. (I added a label in the cart to display the weight for each item so I could see what it was using in the calculation).

We are using Zone based shipping by weight.

I checked the products being added and the settings for each product and variant seemed to be the same. 

New Post
11/20/2013 12:16 AM
Hi Bevan,

I'd like to try to replicate this issue on a test portal. Please provide screenshots of the following screens:
  • Cart Settings
  • Shipping By Weight
  • Shipping Zone
  • Product Setup of the 2 PRoduct in Question
  • Product Variant Setup of the Variant causing the miscalculation

New Post
11/21/2013 1:46 AM
Following are the screen shots:



New Post
11/25/2013 4:21 PM
Any suggestions on this one?

We have this running on a live site and only just discovered this issue when a customer placed an order for a large item but then added a couple of smaller items and was only charge shipping for the smaller items. It was a bargain for them, but we had to foot the extra shipping bill because the website didn't calculate the correct shipping.
New Post
11/25/2013 6:44 PM
Hi Bevan,

I have been successful in replicating the behavior you are reported. I have logged the issue to our BugTracker as BugId: 312 to be resolved as soon as possible.

If you would like to prioritize this issue to be resolved immediately please submit a quote at the following link:


Please Note: It is not require that you sponsor this fix and would only be necessary if you would like immediate attention to the issue.

Please let me know if you have any additional questions or concerns. Thanks!
New Post
12/17/2013 5:41 PM

I am having a similar problem with Variant properties not being followed after the initial add to the cart. In my case, I'm setting the Taxable amount to a value of 0.01 which I'm using to force a zero tax if the customer chooses the tax-exempt variant of the product (I tried using 0.0 but that doesn't work. The 0.01 still rounds to a zero tax anyway so it works for me).

Anyway, as in this issue, when the item is first added to the cart, the tax is zero. If I go away from the cart and then come back to View Cart, the tax is calculated against the price of the base product so my customer is charged the full tax.

My question; Is your fix for the issue in this thread going to fix the problem with Taxable amount as well?


New Post
12/19/2013 4:33 PM
Hi Tom,

I'm not sure that I follow your setup. Please provide screenshots of your Tax Setup, Product Setup, and Variant Setup screens so we can look further into the issue you are reporting.

New Post
12/19/2013 5:55 PM
Here are my settings: I just have a simple tax rate for MA. 

However, some customers may be able to purchase items tax exempt. To enable this, I have a couple of Variants and associated Variant Groups. 

The Groups are Taxation and Tax Exempt Number. The Taxation group represents a Dropdown where the user can select one of two Variants - Taxable or Tax Exempt. The Tax Exempt Number is for a Conditional Variant text box where the user can enter his Tax exempt number. Tax Exempt Number is hidden by default and conditional on the user selecting Tax Exempt from the Taxation Group/dropdown.

There are three Variants. Taxable, Tax Exempt (group Taxation), and Tax Exempt Number (group Tax Exempt Number). 

The only one of real interest is the Tax Exempt Variant. That has a conditional Variant on the Tax Exempt Number so that the Tax Exempt Number text box appears when the Tax Exempt Variant is selected. It also has an entry in the Taxable Amount field. Since I want there to be no tax applied when the buyer selects this Variant, I have to somehow force the tax rate (or the calculated amount) to be zero. The only way I could see to do this is to make the taxable amount zero so that 6.25% times 0 equals zero. Well, the field wouldn't take 0 but it would take 0.01 for the taxable amount so that's what I use. 6.25% times 0.01 rounds to zero so it accomplishes the same thing. 

This works fine when the product is added to the cart but if I go away and come back to the cart, the tax shows as a non-zero value - basically the product price times 6.25% - effectively ignoring the Taxable amount of the selected variant.

HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartCart Using Incorrect Variant Weights in Shipping CalculationCart Using Incorrect Variant Weights in Shipping Calculation