HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartSetting Up Zones for AustraliaSetting Up Zones for Australia
New Post
10/3/2013 3:02 AM
I'd like to use Zone Shipping by Weight, but we only ship within Australia. When I choose Australia as a country I get no other options to select states or locations.

Can I manually enter locations in the database? Are these based on postcode?
New Post
10/4/2013 2:19 PM
Hi Bevan,

The Australian States do not currently come with the Cart but you can send a list of the States you would like added to support@smith-consulting.com and we can add them in the next release or you can manually enter the states by editing the Smith_State table in your database.

Hope this helps!
HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartSetting Up Zones for AustraliaSetting Up Zones for Australia