Joined: 2/2/2012
Posts: 278
I am running smith cart version 4.93 on my live site:
Starting just an hour ago, all of my products are displaying a random (incorrect) main product image. The associate zoom image, and all secondary images are displaying the correct image, but the main image is not.
The site has not been modified or had any settings changes in the last week. The only occurance that happened was my hosting provider copied the site to transfer it to a temp site for development.
Any ideas on what is causing this, or possible solutions?
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Joined: 1/1/0001
Posts: 0
Hi Alex,
Have you ever changed your product images by uploading new images to your products?
When you say main product image, are you referring to the thumbnail located on the Product Listing page or the large product image located on the Product Details page?
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Joined: 2/2/2012
Posts: 278
Sorry if I was not clear.
When I say main product image, I am talking about the primary image for a product that is displayed on the Product Details page. You can see an example of this at: https://www.yandasmusic.com/LiveSound/Mixers/ProductDetails/tabid/491/ProductID/2675/Yamaha-MG102C-10-Channel-Analog-Mixer/Default.aspx
As you can see, it is displaying a flute, when it should be displaying a mixer. The hover image is correct.
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Joined: 2/2/2012
Posts: 278
And yes Kevin, I have changed main product images before manually in the edit product page.
It's strange, because the error seemed to happen for no reason. Just one day we came in, and bam, they were all off.
Doing it one by one would not be very good, as I have over 4k products. Is there any other option? What would cause this to occur?
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Joined: 1/1/0001
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Hi Alex,
Could you verify if the correct file names are saved for the product in the ProductImage field of the Smith_Products table?
Which version of the Cart were you running when you changed the images manually?
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Joined: 2/2/2012
Posts: 278
Hi Kevin -
Thanks for the reply. Since the site that the error occurred on was our live site, we had to take immediate measures to fix the problem. We upgraded the portal to Smith 5.17, and the images are now displaying correctly.
Sorry, had it been our temp site, I would have loved to pin down the cause of the bug with you!
Thanks again for your awesome support.
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Joined: 1/1/0001
Posts: 0
Hi Alex,
Glad to help as always and happy to hear this issue is now resolved.