HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartIs the following product setup possibleIs the following product setup possible
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9/6/2012 8:41 PM
Product A costs. 500.00.Person 1 is required to buy product A for 500.The next 9 users can add product A to their cart and go through the checkout process and pay 0.00 for the product.(We want the users to go through the checkout process so they can sign check the box of the terms and conditions, and be put in the role tied to the product)After the 10th person goes through the process of 'purchasing' Product A.Each person subsequent to the 10th must pay 9.99 for each purchase of Product A.
HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartIs the following product setup possibleIs the following product setup possible