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2/29/2012 10:18 AM

Have another issue... (SmithCart 3.88 on DNN 5.6)..

Have a discount set up for a certain user role (i.e. "Member" Role) of 10% and a coupon set up for 5%... is there a way to only allow people not in the "Member" role to use the coupon?... so that there isn't a double disount of 10% + 5%?





New Post
2/29/2012 6:07 PM

Hi Tony,

I am unable to test this issue on the same version of the Cart as you are running as the current version released is v.4.92. To confirm if this exists in the latest version of the Cart you can download the trial version and then upgrade to the latest build to fix the issue. As always we recommend first doing the upgrade in a test environment and make sure you have a full backup before installing on your live site in case you need to rollback.

You can create a fresh DNN sandbox on your desktop or laptop using the following link and install SmithCart so you can verify correct behavior which should isolate the issue as being in the Cart or your server/DNN portal setup.


New Post
3/1/2012 8:21 AM

It's not really an issue as much as it is a question. Do you know if 4.92 will allow us to have a member role discount & coupon, but only offer the discount to "non-members" of that role?

New Post
3/5/2012 7:00 PM

Hi Tony,

In order to offer only users who do not belong to the role which the Member Discount is applied to, we would need to develop the option to configure coupons by role or restrict coupons by role.

Currently the ability to apply coupons by role is on our Dev Roadmap to be added in a future release of SmithCart. If your company has budget to sponsor a portion of this enhancement and you would like to be provided with a fixed quote to prioritize the enhancement into development please send an email with a link to this post to sales@smith-consulting.com. We quote all feature enhancements below cost since it is enhancing the module and in most cases we can start work within a week.


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