HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartsage mas200 imports and smith cart upgrade errorssage mas200 imports and smith cart upgrade errors
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9/28/2013 8:11 PM

So far we have been running Smith Cart version 5.26. I’ve installed upgrades and have had to roll my site back because of issues that occurred after the upgrades. We have done everything possible from doing clean installs (reimporting  products from a backup), moving hosting servers from GoDaddy to PowerDNN, doing several other clean installs- cleaning up data… etc.

I have to mention that our data was originally imported into Smith Cart from Sage Mas 200. We bought a tool almost 2 years ago and had our data transferred from Mas200. I’m beginning to think because we did this, our data hasn’t been ‘good data’. I still don’t know what exactly bad data means specifically and would like to know. I think what we did was create categories and then from there tables and products were manually linked.Our IT guy worked with someone from Smith to do this for us back then.

In the past year or so, whenever we did an export we would never see category names appear in the category column in the excel export. Is this normal?

My question is – because we imported from Mas200, is our data considered bad? We don’t have any need to be connected to that data source anymore. Should we scrap everything bare bones and do a complete uninstall and start over?

My questions are all over the place and I apologize for this.

Thank you,

more information regarding my upgrade issues can be seen in this thread. continue button bug? and view cart button

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9/30/2013 6:03 PM
Hi Laura,

No it is not normal to do an export and not see the Categories in the Category column of the exported product data.

Your data could contain special characters that won't be visible unless your are viewing the data with as a plain text or binary file. I would recommend doing a clean install on a dev site using the latest version of the Cart then entering your product data via the Cart. After entering your Products in the Cart you can then exporting the data to see the layout of your Products in Excel. This will ensure the data is in the correct format.

Hope this helps!
HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartsage mas200 imports and smith cart upgrade errorssage mas200 imports and smith cart upgrade errors