HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartMultiple product images?Multiple product images?
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11/24/2009 3:51 PM

It doesn't appear there is a way to add multiple images for each product. Are their plans to do this? If not can it be added to the request list?

Are you still adding features to this product? I still need clone/copy on a product before I could use it with my customers. If I have a site that sells a bunch of similar products (like dresses) there is no way I can tell them to recreate every single product each time they want to make a new product.

New Post
11/25/2009 1:32 PM
Accepted Answer 

The cart supports multiple product image if you setup product attributes you can associate a product image with each product attribute. On the product detail screen the user changes the product attribute the image will change. If you dont use product attributes then the cart supports 2 images per product a thumbnail on the product listing page and a large image on the product detail page. What page do you want multiple product images to be displayed on product list or product details? We will add to the dev list.

Yes we are adding new features to the cart everyday.

Currently, the cart does not have a product clone feature we will add that to the dev list as well. In the meantime, if you are comfortable with it, you could cut and paste the product you want to copy in the smith_products table in sql server that will save you some typing if you want to clone your porducts.

At your service,
Dave Smith
DotNetNuke Consulting, DotNetNuke Store and DNN Ecommerce
HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartMultiple product images?Multiple product images?