HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCarthow does url guid and encrypt url workhow does url guid and encrypt url work
New Post
11/22/2009 7:35 PM

i have set the download url correctly, but it doesn't seem to encrypt the url. i can clearly see the url when i mouse over the link. does this require some use of the url guid? there is nothing in the manual about either of these fields.


New Post
11/23/2009 8:26 PM
Accepted Answer 

The url encryption is going to be rolled out in the next release it uses a guid and a new field in the product setup screen called saleid then encypts the url that created to download your product so the link cannot be passed around and downloaded more than once. I will post a message in the forum anouncement section when its released.

HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCarthow does url guid and encrypt url workhow does url guid and encrypt url work