HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartv4.27 Product List Search / Category Module ignores Search Category (ALL)v4.27 Product List Search / Category Module ignores Search Category (ALL)
New Post
4/21/2011 6:48 AM

When first loading the products list, and using ALL, search seems to work fine. Once you select a category using the category module, then perform a search, it only searches within the currently selected category even when the default ALL is selected.

From a user's point of view, they search for something and find it, then search for the same thing and can't find it.

The search should respect the selected drop down category, especially ALL. This is very confusing for users and staff.





New Post
4/21/2011 9:35 PM
The search bar on the product listing page was programmed to work this way in that it only searches within a category when products are filtered using the category module. This is true even when "All" is selected on the search bar. I think rather than changing the search to search outside filtered categories it might make more sense for you to add a new category titled "All Products" and add all your product to that category which will give the user the ability to reset the product list to show all products after they have filtered them.

Let me know what you think,

New Post
4/23/2011 12:24 PM

Selecting any category from the category module limits a search to the selected category. Once a category is selected how do you search all products?


I like the idea of an All Products category although t only makes sense if you understand how it works. I do not like having to explain that you have to click All Products before searching to staff and users.


After careful consideration, demonstration and testing, selecting All from the drop down should search All Products at all times, regardless of the currently selected category. The search should only be limited when the user selects something from the search drop down.


In addition, a new setting should be added to the category module to specify the root or base category which can also be used for the title of the module. This way we can specify alternative lists on a single page such as new products, genres, brands, manufacturers or departments. For example, three modules might look like
















New Post
4/23/2011 12:24 PM

duplicate post, Please remove.

HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartv4.27 Product List Search / Category Module ignores Search Category (ALL)v4.27 Product List Search / Category Module ignores Search Category (ALL)