HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartFree Shipping being granted incorrectly on (some) coupon ordersFree Shipping being granted incorrectly on (some) coupon orders
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4/5/2013 11:25 AM
I wanted to start a new thread for this issue reported by Chris over on this thread with the hope that it will be easier to diagnose and get a fix going if it isn't comingled for the main topic of the other thread.

Chris's describes the error as "Just today, the customer sent out an email blast to their users and 10 out of 50 orders gave away shipping for free."

I had a client report this issue last week for the first time (SC 5.4.2 / DNN 6.2.6). They have 33 coupons, none of which offer or involve free shipping. There also aren't any shipping rules or anything like that - is uses very simple shipping options, no extravagant features other than the coupons mentioned.

Chris mentioned that "Addresses that are appearing on these orders are for the US and seem normal." The errant order I encountered was US as well.

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4/5/2013 1:03 PM
Hi Eric,

Thanks for starting a new thread.

In your Coupon Setup screen, have you entered a "-1" in the Shipping Amount field? If nothing is entered in this field the Cart will apply "Free Shipping".
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4/16/2013 6:36 AM
I didn't realize you had replied and have subscribed to this thread now.

The coupon that granted the free shipping had "-1" as the Shipping Amount. And just to eliminate possible causes, all other coupons were checked and all of them also have Shipping Amount set to "-1".

Maybe the originator can chime in as well. I'll see if I can PM him to get him going on this thread.


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4/16/2013 4:25 PM
Hi Eric,

I just saw your email. The entry with –1 fixes it up. My customer had nothing in the field and it gave away free shipping. It's an odd thing to do that by default.

HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartFree Shipping being granted incorrectly on (some) coupon ordersFree Shipping being granted incorrectly on (some) coupon orders