HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartManaging Shipping Methods in Multiple PortalsManaging Shipping Methods in Multiple Portals
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2/25/2011 11:31 AM

DNN 5.0.1

SmithCart 4.2

SQL 2008 R2

Hi All,

I setup a private portal for Sales Agents and a public portal for all other users. I have set up custom shipping methods with fixed amounts for Agents. I don't want all other users to access those Custom Shippings options for the public portal, during checkout. The shipping options in the public portal are actually coming up as the same ones I have for the private Agent portal. Any way I could prevent this? Is this a glitch? I appreciate any help I can get from you guys.

Thanks, jortiz@rapidts.com

New Post
2/25/2011 6:30 PM
Accepted Answer 

The custom ship methods with fixed amounts were not saving the portal ID, programming has already fixed the issue and it will be released in 4.02.



HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartManaging Shipping Methods in Multiple PortalsManaging Shipping Methods in Multiple Portals