HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartnot filtering by categoryidnot filtering by categoryid
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8/23/2011 4:24 AM

dnn 5.6.3, SC 4.52

I have the category module running alongside the buynow module

my store page is store.aspx

I have html links in the footer of my page, like href=/store.aspx?categoryid=4

If I navigate in a new browser session to a page via the html link, the module filters correctly.

However, the minute I click on a link on the category module, and then try and go to another category via the html link, the filtering doesn't work anymore. Alternatively, if I click on a menu item in the category module first, and then try and navigate using the text link, it also doesn't work.

So something in the category module is preventing the buynow module from filtering after an item in the category module has been clicked.

 Any idea why?

New Post
9/2/2011 5:04 AM
I see no response to this issue yet? I have tested with latest build (4.57) and the problem remains ... I have also noticed some other anomalies with the category module - sometimes it simply won't go anywhere if I click on a link - the page just refreshes and ai have to click a different link to get a response - its almost as if it is caching the page and refusing to accept the new link ...
New Post
9/2/2011 8:10 PM
Hi Sian,

I have been able to replicate the issue of navigating in a new browser session to a page via the html link that filters the Category, the module filters correctly. However if you select another category from the Smith.CategoryMenu then click on the link that filters by category, the products will not filter a the second time. i have sent this into programming and will post back as soon as an update is available.


New Post
9/12/2011 8:35 PM
Hi Sian,

This issue has been addressed in the latest release of the Cart v.4.58.

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